韩国KM有限公司杭州代表处KM company is the leading company which produces and provides several kinds of kendo equipments. We produced and selled only kendo equipments for 17 years in Korean markets and since we launched a new factory into China in 2005, we have been exporting all of kendo goods including bougu, kendo uniform, shinai, all kinds of quard and accessories to foreign countries from China. If you have some requests to modify our products or have some orders, dont hesitate! Please contact us. Having a great regard for the mind of each kendo enthusiast, we will always research for the quality products and make every effort on the top-of-the-line products. We look forward to your continued favor and attention. Thank you.韩国km有限公司是是一家集生产、研发、贸易于一体的武术用具专业生产企业。 公司创建以来17年间 在韩国各到场及学校提供物品 赢得了优秀的品质和信用。为了跟世界各优秀的企业竞争 。我公司在2005年在中国浙江设立分厂 专业生产 护具 道服 竹刀 装饰刀 各种小护具及装饰品 直销到 海外。在制作工艺上,根据日本、韩国等客户的品质要求精工细作而成。您需要改善产品或定制新产品 尽情来电详谈我公司以“尊重每个剑道人的心”为理念 把“精益求精、不断创新”运作于公司生产管理中;改进生产工艺,使产品质量不断完美谢谢~
- 地址:浙江省 杭州市 中国 浙江 杭州市 西湖区黄姑山路29号
- 邮编:310026